viernes, 15 de junio de 2012

Comparison school V/S university: my own experience

My school was small, but very demanding with personal presentation and its exams (sometimes I had exams 2 weeks in a row), of UST style, namely, only alternatives, for this reason, they did not do practical home works except for Art and PE. In the first and second year I had approx. 9 subjects: maths, language, EP., chemistry, history, biology, physics and sports workshop that was independent of PE, and the third and fourth year elective classes, I had to choose between scientific and humanistic area and I chose scientific subjects of chemistry, biology and maths because it was less boring for me, and with it had approx. 12 subjects. As my school was small, it hadn´t casino (we had lunch in the classroom or on the patio), computer lab and gym (it was only a court), anyway I still felt pretty comfortable. In the first year were 45 people in the classroom, but not all resisted the demands of school and they retired in second year, since there were 37, with 8 men and  the other was women.

Here in college, I haven´t felt such a drastic change of the passage from school to university and I think that my school helped a lot, also here there is more freedom to do what you want (without harming anyone) and the demand is greater, because this place teach you how to be adult, also recognizing that the university delivers free time for leisure.