Geography is a multidiscipline that studies the constant interplay between man and nature, and this
constant interplay results in different expressions of space. The topic I would like to present on this occasion consists of those spatial expressions according to their
conformation, namely, the types of landscapes and simultaneously, a brief overview of each. A definition of landscape is the physical representation of geographic space or put more simply, is what is observed in the territory.
From this, it is possible to identify natural landscapes and landscapes operated by the hand of man; can be the first name:
a) Mountain landscapes: rocky
hills are formed by the folding of tectonic plates,
here rivers are born from the melting and glaciers
can be found. For example: Patagonia and
the Cordillera de Los Andes.
b) Coastal Landscapes: here you can find different types of coast according to their training, such as beaches, cliffs, fiords and among others. They are found throughout Chile.
On the other hand, have operated landscapes. Can be:
a) Cityscape: it have a high population density; however, its dimension is depending on the
amount of population that lives
in that space its main economic activities are the secondary (industry) and tertiary (services). Ex: Santiago, Antofagasta, etc.
b) Rural landscape: its population is less than 1000 inhabitants, its main economic activity are the primary (agriculture, livestock, fisheries) and identify typical elements of rural landscape, as a plots, farms and fields. Ex: Vicuña, Mostazal, etc.